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About us



Welcome to PerksBD, a conglomerate of companies dedicated to excellence and making a positive impact in various domains. We are driven by a shared commitment to quality, sustainability, and social responsibility. Our group comprises Perks Auto, Perks Tex, Perks Charity, Perks Agro, and Perks Solutions, each specializing in their unique field while embodying our core values.

Perks Auto : Driving Your Dreams
Perks Auto is your ultimate destination for high-quality imported cars. With a wealth of experience, we’ve established ourselves as a trusted name in the industry. We prioritize seamless service and offer a wide range of imported vehicles, all rigorously inspected to meet our high standards of quality.

Perks Tex : Passionate About Fashion
At Perks Tex, we are passionate about fashion and believe that every woman deserves to feel confident and beautiful in what she wears. That’s why we are committed to providing our clients with the latest trends in dresses, sourced from top designers and manufacturers from around the world. Our inventory is constantly updated with new arrivals, ensuring that there’s always something new and exciting for our clients to discover.

Perks Charity : Changing Lives Together
Perks Charity is dedicated to making a positive impact in society. We actively engage in projects that address societal challenges, from education and healthcare to environmental conservation and social empowerment. By fostering transparency, accountability, and community involvement, we create meaningful change that reaches far and wide.

Perks Agro : Cultivating Excellence
Perks Agro is your premier source for top-quality agricultural products. We champion organic farming practices, ensuring that our products are free from harmful chemicals and rich in flavor and nutrients. Our commitment to hygiene and safety guarantees that you receive the freshest and healthiest produce available.

Perks Solutions : Bridging Boundaries, Building Success*
Perks Solutions specializes in import, export, and trading businesses. With a deep understanding of the global market, we connect businesses across borders and provide comprehensive solutions to facilitate international trade. Our extensive global network and customized services make us the ideal partner for businesses looking to thrive in the global marketplace.

Our Story

In the heart of our journey lies a commitment to excellence, sustainability, and making a positive impact. This is the story of Perks Group—a conglomerate of companies dedicated to bringing about meaningful change and pioneering innovation across various industries.

Chapter 1: The Seeds of Excellence

Our story began with a vision—a vision to excel, to offer products and services that not only met the highest standards but set new ones. Perks Group’s journey was seeded in the pursuit of excellence. It was in this pursuit that Perks Auto was born, catering to the discerning needs of individuals seeking the finest imported cars. With meticulous attention to detail, a passion for quality, and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, Perks Auto quickly became synonymous with excellence in the world of automobiles.

Chapter 2: Nourishing Well-being and Sustainability

As our journey progressed, so did our commitment to sustainability and well-being. Perks Food emerged from a deep-seated belief that what we consume should not only nourish our bodies but also the planet. We embarked on a mission to provide organic, fresh, and hygienic foods, championing sustainable farming practices and offering products that supported a healthier lifestyle.

Chapter 3: Giving Back to the Community

The desire to make a positive impact on society led us to create Perks Charity. It was here that we actively engaged in projects and initiatives aimed at addressing societal challenges. Education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and social empowerment became the pillars of our charitable endeavors. We saw the impact of our actions in the smiles of those we helped, and this further fueled our determination to give back.

Chapter 4: Cultivating Excellence in Agriculture

Perks Agro was our next endeavor, rooted in a passion for agriculture and a dedication to quality. We ventured into the world of agriculture to provide top-quality agricultural products, championing organic farming practices, and ensuring that our products were free from harmful chemicals. Our commitment to sustainability extended to the very source of our food.

Chapter 5: Bridging Boundaries, Building Success

Perks Solutions marked our foray into international trade, where we facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and opportunities across borders. We leveraged our expertise to bridge the gap between businesses, forging global connections, and providing comprehensive import, export, and trading solutions.

Chapter 6: Our Values, Our Vision

Throughout our journey, our core values of excellence, sustainability, and responsibility remained steadfast. Our vision, to pioneer a path to a sustainable, inclusive, and thriving future, guided us in every endeavor. We set targets, not just as objectives but as commitments to action, and tirelessly worked toward them.

Chapter 7: Our Collective Future

As we write the next chapters of our story, we invite you to be a part of our journey. Whether you’re seeking quality cars, nourishing food, charitable initiatives, top-quality agricultural products, or global trading solutions, Perks Group is here to serve you. With Perks Group, you’re not just choosing products and services; you’re choosing a commitment to a better future for all.

Our story is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a shared vision. Together, with our stakeholders, we aim to create a future that is not just sustainable and inclusive but also filled with opportunities and possibilities. Thank you for being a part of our story. The best chapters are yet to come.

Our Shared Values : Excellence, Sustainability, and Responsibility

At Perks Group, our values are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to excellence in every aspect of our operations, from the products we offer to the services we provide. Sustainability is a guiding principle, and we actively promote responsible practices that benefit both our customers and the planet. Social responsibility is ingrained in our DNA, and we are committed to giving back to the communities we serve.

Join Us in Our Journey

Whether you're seeking a luxurious car, nourishing organic food, meaningful charitable initiatives, top-quality agricultural products, or global trading solutions, Perks Group is here to serve you. We invite you to explore each of our companies and be a part of our journey towards excellence, sustainability, and social responsibility. With Perks Group, you're not just choosing products and services; you're choosing a commitment to a better future for all. Thank you for being a part of our story.

Mission Statement of PerksBD :

Empowering Excellence, Sustainability, and Positive Impact Across Industries

At Perks BD, our mission is to empower excellence, sustainability, and positive impact across various industries. We are committed to achieving this mission by:

  1. Promoting Excellence: We strive to excel in every aspect of our business operations. We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality products and services, setting industry standards, and continuously improving our offerings. We believe that excellence is the foundation of trust and customer satisfaction.

  2. Championing Sustainability: Sustainability is at the core of our business philosophy. We are committed to environmentally responsible practices that preserve natural resources, reduce our ecological footprint, and promote a healthier planet. Through our sustainable initiatives, we aim to be a catalyst for positive change in our communities and industries.

  3. Making a Positive Impact: We actively engage in projects and initiatives that make a positive impact on society. Whether through charitable endeavors, supporting local communities, or fostering ethical and responsible business practices, we are dedicated to creating a better world for all. We believe in using our resources and influence to uplift lives and contribute to a brighter future.

  4. Fostering Innovation: Innovation drives progress, and we are committed to fostering a culture of innovation within our group. We seek out new ideas, technologies, and approaches to continuously improve our products and services, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of our respective industries.

  5. Building Strong Relationships: We recognize the importance of strong, mutually beneficial relationships with our customers, partners, employees, and communities. Our mission includes nurturing these relationships with integrity, transparency, and a commitment to shared success.

  6. Global Engagement: In an increasingly interconnected world, we embrace global engagement. We actively participate in the global marketplace, connecting businesses and individuals across borders, and contributing to international cooperation and understanding.

  7. Empowering Our Team: Our team members are our most valuable assets. We are dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive work environment that empowers our employees to reach their full potential, fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning.

At Perks BD, our mission is not just a statement; it’s a commitment to action. We aspire to be a force for positive change, a beacon of excellence, and a partner in sustainable progress. Our collective efforts are driven by the belief that by nurturing excellence, practicing sustainability, and making a positive impact, we can create a brighter, more prosperous future for all stakeholders and the world we share.

Vision Statement of Perks BD :

Pioneering a Path to a Sustainable, Inclusive, and Thriving Future

At Perks BD, our vision is to pioneer a path to a sustainable, inclusive, and thriving future for all. Our vision encapsulates our aspirations, guiding our actions, and inspiring our commitment to excellence in every endeavor. We envision:

  1. Sustainability Leadership: We aim to lead the way in sustainable practices across all our business domains. Our vision is a world where responsible consumption, environmental stewardship, and ethical business practices are the norm, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.

  2. Innovation and Adaptability: We see a future where innovation and adaptability are at the forefront of our operations. We aspire to be a hub of creativity, where novel ideas and technologies are harnessed to address emerging challenges and opportunities.

  3. Positive Impact: Our vision includes a commitment to making a lasting and positive impact on society. We envision communities empowered through education, health, and economic opportunities, resulting in a world where everyone has the chance to thrive.

  4. Global Collaboration: In an increasingly interconnected world, we envision fostering global collaboration and cooperation. We aspire to be a bridge between cultures and nations, promoting dialogue, understanding, and shared solutions to global challenges.

  5. Customer-Centric Excellence: We see ourselves as a customer-centric organization, where the satisfaction and success of our customers are paramount. Our vision includes being the first choice for those seeking quality, reliability, and innovation in our respective industries.

  6. Empowered Workforce: We envision an empowered and diverse workforce, where our team members are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities to excel. Our vision includes being an employer of choice, attracting and retaining top talent.

  7. Ethical Leadership: Our vision encompasses ethical leadership, where integrity, transparency, and social responsibility are the cornerstones of our actions. We aspire to set an example for ethical conduct in our industries.

  8. Long-Term Sustainability: We envision a long-term perspective in all our endeavors. Our vision includes building a legacy of sustainability, where the positive impacts of our actions endure for generations to come.

  9. Continuous Growth: Our vision is one of continuous growth and expansion. We aim to explore new horizons, enter emerging markets, and diversify our offerings to remain at the forefront of industry trends.

  10. Community Engagement: We see ourselves deeply engaged with the communities we serve. Our vision includes active community involvement, where we collaborate with local partners to address pressing social and environmental challenges.

In pursuing our vision, we acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead but remain steadfast in our determination to overcome them. We are committed to working tirelessly, innovatively, and responsibly to bring our vision to life. Together, with our stakeholders, we aim to create a future that is not just sustainable and inclusive but also filled with opportunities and possibilities. At Perks BD, our vision guides us toward a better tomorrow, where excellence, sustainability, and positive impact define our legacy.

Our Targets at Perks BD :

At Perks BD, we are committed to setting and achieving ambitious targets that align with our mission and vision. Our targets serve as a roadmap for our collective efforts across all our businesses and initiatives.
We aim to:

  1. Sustainability Targets:

    a. Environmental Impact: Reduce our carbon footprint and water usage by [specific percentage] by [target year].

    b. Sustainable Sourcing: Increase the percentage of sustainably sourced products in our offerings to [specific percentage] by [target year].

    c. Waste Reduction: Achieve [specific percentage] reduction in waste generation across our operations by [target year].

    d. Renewable Energy: Transition to [specific percentage] reliance on renewable energy sources for our operations by [target year].

  2. Customer-Centric Excellence:

    a. Customer Satisfaction: Maintain a minimum customer satisfaction rating of [specific rating] consistently.

    b. Innovation: Introduce [specific number] innovative products or services annually to meet evolving customer needs.

  3. Positive Impact:

    a. Charitable Contributions: Increase our annual charitable contributions by [specific percentage] to support social and environmental causes.

    b. Community Engagement: Engage [specific number] communities in projects aimed at improving education, health, and livelihoods.

  4. Global Reach:

    a. International Expansion: Expand our presence into [specific number] new international markets by [target year].

    b. Global Partnerships: Form [specific number] strategic partnerships with organizations that share our values and mission.

  5. Employee Empowerment:

    a. Training and Development: Provide [specific number] hours of training and development opportunities to employees annually.

    b. Diversity and Inclusion: Increase the representation of underrepresented groups in our workforce to [specific percentage] by [target year].

  6. Ethical Leadership:

    a. Ethical Practices: Ensure 100% compliance with ethical standards and regulations in all business operations.

  7. Long-Term Sustainability:

    a. Legacy Projects: Initiate [specific number] legacy sustainability projects that have a lasting positive impact.

  8. Financial Growth:

    a. Revenue Growth: Achieve [specific percentage] revenue growth annually to support our sustainability and impact initiatives.

  9. Innovation and Technology:

    a. Digital Transformation: Invest in [specific number] digital transformation projects to enhance operational efficiency.

  10. Quality Assurance:

    a. Quality Standards: Maintain the highest quality standards and achieve [specific quality metric] consistently.

  11. Community Engagement:

    a. Local Partnerships: Establish [specific number] partnerships with local organizations to address community needs.

  12. Employee Well-being:

    a. Health and Wellness: Implement wellness programs that improve the health and well-being of [specific percentage] of our employees.

These targets are not just objectives; they represent our commitment to continuous improvement, ethical leadership, and a sustainable, inclusive future. We regularly assess our progress toward these targets, adapt our strategies as needed, and strive to exceed these goals wherever possible. At Perks BD, our targets drive us toward a future where excellence, sustainability, and positive impact are not just aspirations but tangible achievements.

Team members

Major Md Rasheduzzaman Khan, psc, Artillery (Retired)

Adviser - Perks BD

B.Sc Engg (CSE), MIST
Ex Cadet of Barishal Cadet College
(18th Batch 95-01)

Major Md Arshad Hossain, psc, Infantry (Retired)

Proprietor - Perks BD

Ex Cadet of Rajshahi Cadet College
(29th Batch | 92-98)

Lieutenant Colonel Belal Hossain Patwary, psc, Engineers (Retired)

Adviser - Perks BD

B.Sc Engg (Civil), MIST
Ex-Cadet of Sylhet Cadet College
(13th Batch | 89-95)

Syed Moazzem Hossain

CEO - Perks Tex

B.Sc in Fashion Design and Technology (BIFT) BGMEA Institute of Fashion & Technology